Until about 1980 I did particle physics research, using the ideas then current. These turned out not to be fruitful, and partly for that reason I stopped researching altogether for a while. (More time for the fiddle!) From 1983 onwards I did research in cosmology, using the ideas about particle theory that had proved fruitful. That research went very well, and in 2006 one of my research papers was named as the most highly cited research paper for the whole of Lancaster University in the previous five years.
I have co-authored two cosmology textbooks, and am the sole author of another cosmology textbook and a popular cosmology book. They are all listed below:
The Primordial Density Perturbation
David H. Lyth and Andrew R. Liddle
Cambridge University Press, 2009
Cosmological Inflation and Large-Scale Structure
Andrew R. Liddle and David H. Lyth
Cambridge University Press, 2000
Cosmology for Physicists
David H. Lyth
CRC Press, 2016
The History of the Universe
David Lyth
Springer, 2016